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 We wanted to make art together. So we did. And we LOVED it. In 2016 we bought a higher end camera, went out and shot some creative things for fun, and were blown away by the results, and the passion that it created within us. So, we hope to share our brand of photography, We have ONE expectation: to make sure whatever we create is never boring.

 "Stormcrow music photography" is an avenue of  "Enter the Light(E.T.L.)photography" business that focuses mainly on portrait, food, and event photography, however Stormcrow was spawned out of Michael’s history as a songwriter, musician, Star Wars and L.O.T.R. nerd, as well as visual artist. After beginning a family, and not wanting to leave music and art behind fully, decided to offer the local market of musicians, a skill for which he has a unique eye, so here we are.

Stormcrow Team

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